16 Simple Crossing Midline Activities For Preschoolers
In this post, you will find a list of 16 crossing midline activities for preschoolers that can be done either at home or in the classroom!
What is Crossing the Midline?
So what is crossing the midline?
Imagine you have a line running down the center of your body. From the top of your forehead, over your nose, and all the way down to your belly button.
You have essentially divided your body into the left and right sides. As you move your arms, hands, legs, and feet over this line to the other side of the body you are crossing the midline!
This is a basic skill that most children learn naturally and it is a very important pre-writing skill that will help your child develop proper handwriting technique.
It is also a critical component of daily living. When children can not effectively cross their limbs over the center of their body, everyday tasks like eating and dressing will be challenging.

Does Your Child Have Difficulty Crossing Midline?
If you believe your child is having difficulty crossing midline, you might see the following signs:
- No hand preference – may use both hands equally
- When drawing or coloring will switch utensils between hands
- Difficulties with self-care- trouble putting shoes and socks on
- Behind academically – challenges with reading and writing
- Reading can be exceptionally challenging as these kids tend to have poor visual tracking skills and have difficulty following text from left to right
- Might rotate their whole body instead of twisting at the waist
Fortunately, simple activities can help to improve a child’s ability to cross the midline!
16 Crossing Midline Activities For Preschoolers
Here is a simple list of 16 easy crossing midline activities for preschoolers. Even just 5 minutes a day can help your child develop this skill.
1. Action songs
There are many amazing benefits of music for kids and learning to cross the midline with song is definitely one of them!
Simple movement songs like ”Baby Shark” and ”If You’re Happy and You Know It” are both great ways to help kids learn how to move with bilateral coordination.
2. Simon says
This is a classic game that all children love to play!
Simple Simon says commands like ”Simon says cross your arms” or ”Simon says touch your right knee with your left hand” can encourage children to cross over the center of their bodies.
This is also an amazing listening activity for kids!
3. Hula hooping
Much like coordination and balance, crossing the midline is a major gross motor skill that all children will eventually learn.
Hula hooping is actually an excellent gross motor activity.
Since there are so many different hula-hoop games and activities, this is definitely a toy I recommend for all kids!

4. Puzzles
One of the major benefits of puzzles is the development of visual scanning skills.
Since most preschoolers do not know how to read yet, completing jigsaw puzzles is a great way to help children visually scan the puzzle from left to right.
5. Frisbee play
Unlike throwing a ball, throwing a frisbee is unique in the sense that you have to cross the frisbee in front of you in order to throw it properly.
Here are some light Frisbees for kids just learning how to throw!
6. Twister
Twister is a great floor game that many children enjoy.
Not only does it encourage kids to move their bodies in all sorts of ways, but it is also an amazing vestibular activity!
7. Stretching
Sometimes basic activities like stretching provide the best outcomes for kids!
Simply hold your hands together in the air and lean left and right. Or stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and bend down to touch your toes with both hands.
There are so many different stretches that can help children learn to cross the midline.
8. Obstacle courses
Obstacle courses are not only fun and exciting for children but also provide numerous developmental benefits.
This dynamic activity involves children to navigate through various challenges that require them to cross the midline of their bodies, promoting balance, coordination, and spatial awareness.
9. Clapping Games
Clapping games are unique in the way that they are played universally among children.
The clapping, commonly associated with rhymes like ”Patty Cake” or ”Miss Mary Mack”, is a fun way to have kids practice crossing the midline.
If this is too difficult, you can try creating a simple handshake with them!

10. Scoop-and-pour station
Since scooping up food and pouring a drink are daily tasks that require coordinated midline crossing, why not create a simple scoop-and-pour station.
Simply add dry pasta, beans, or even water to a bowl and provide your child with some props like cups and spoons.
This is an amazing fine motor activity that will help your child develop many important skills.
11. Simple chores
Some of the best crossing midline exercises are things you can easily incorporate into your daily routine.
Have your kids wipe down the table, clean the windows, and even sweep the floor. This back-and-forth motion can be really beneficial for children.
12. Finger painting
Finger painting, especially on a vertical surface, is an effective sensory activity that can help children learn to cross the midline.
As children develop this skill, try adding a paintbrush or roller pin and encourage them not to switch hands while painting.
13. Tug-of-War
Who doesn’t love a good game of tug-of-war!
As children twist and turn to try and pull the rope to win the game, they are crossing the midline with their hands and arms.

14. Mirror movements
This is one of my favorite games to do with kids because you can really get them engaged and giggling!
Have them stand right in front of you and encourage them to mirror your movements. You can make silly faces and rock your head back and forth or simply touch your left shoulder with your right hand.
15. Sorting activities
Learning how to sort is an early math activity that has many benefits for children!
You can encourage your child to sort objects based on size, shape, color, or even functionality! As they sort they will start crossing the midline to place the items into the correct pile.
16. Back-to-back ball pass
Sit back to back with your child and pass a ball back and forth.
Make sure they are twisting at the waist and using both hands to pass the ball.
Remember, all children learn and develop at their own pace. But, if you truly believe your child has difficulty crossing midline, they may benefit from an occupational therapy evaluation.
I hope you have enjoyed these 16 crossing midline activities for preschoolers!